Tippers and Dropsides for commercial vehicles from 3.5t to 7.5t


Bennes-JPM history
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Bennes-JPM history

  The company was founded in 1966 by Jean-Paul MASSOL. Initially a manufacturer and repairer of agricultural machinery, the company diversified into industrial vehicles setting up in Naucelle, France in 1990.

Since 2000, the company's business has been entirely devoted to a unique industrial product: the tipper for light commercial vehicles.

In 2007, Mrs Pascale FERAL ROLS, Mr. Jean-Marc FERAL and Mr. Yves CHEVALIER acquired the company Bennes-JPM together, with ambitious targets for company growth, while respecting its values.

In 2008, considerable investments were made in buildings and production plant and will enable JPM-tipper production to increase significantly.


Mr Ferral and Mr Massol

Mr Ferral and Mr Massol

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Bennes-JPM - Body Industrial- RN 88 - 12800 Naucelle (France) - Tel. (33) 05 65 69 24 70 - Fax. (33) 05 65 69 23 77 - contact@bennes-jpm.com