Discover our tipper aluminium crash-test !
The company's leading product, the Hercules rear tipper is of robust and well-finished design, the fruit of recognized know-how and continuous development. Industrially manufactured and delivered in kit painted or primed, it is the best value on the market.
The Bennes-JPM-rear tipper is also available in a 100% aluminium version. With a design very similar to the steel Hercules tipper, it has the same strengths with a considerable advantage: 300kg average extra payload.
Benne arrière Hercule 3500x2000
Benne arrière Hercule 3200x1800
La benne arrière JPM se décline aussi dans une version 100% aluminium.
Bennes-JPM - Body Industrial- RN 88 - 12800 Naucelle (France) - Tel. (33) 05 65 69 24 70 - Fax. (33) 05 65 69 23 77 -